Sunday, April 11, 2010

twelve Days

Has been twelve days since I quit my job. still getting used to it. Monday I start working in the studio.

Monday, April 05, 2010

jobless by Choice

So as I wrote in my last post that I quit my job. I resigned at 4:00 P.M. on March 31st 2010. It felt weirdly good to leave on my own terms. When I told my supervisors supervisor that I was quitting he was shocked. I didn't tell my supervisor that I was leaving and I didn't give a two week notice either.
My supervisors supervisor ask if there was any reason why I was leaving. I told him the main reason was that my supervisor was my former intern and that I was the reason we hired him on after his internship and a short stint at a post facility. I had been there almost ten years and he had been there only about four years when he was promoted to supervise me. We are a two person department. I had never had a bad review and I didn't think it was fair that he was promoted over me. I have more experience in the field than he does and I have more education than he does. I even wrote him a good letter of recommendation after he left his internship to work at a post production facility. He worked at the post facility about six months and couldn't take it anymore and called me to see if we might be hiring. I said in fact we were looking to hire and I would recommend him for the job. I did and he was hired. Almost immediately he started to undermine me. etc blab blab.