Monday, November 02, 2009

from bus to walking to bike.

I have not written for a very long time but I'm writing now.
several years ago I got sick of fixing junk cars to get around. I was spending major cash and depleting my bank account. I decided to start taking the public transportation. In Saint Louis public transportation sort of sucks. For starters there is not any 24 hour services. If you miss the last bus or train after midnight then you walk or take a cab. The last few years have seen service cuts and higher fares. So i ditched the bus and took to my feet for a couple years. Rain or snow or humid summer I was walking. I decided I needed to be able to get places a little faster so I bought a bike. I put one on layaway at (didn't know you could do that did you?) at Big Shark a great bike shop with very knowledgeable staff. Here is the link Check them out.
so i have been riding to and from work and around Saint Louis.
more later.

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